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This Is the Best Safari Destination Outside of Africa - Forbes (2019)

Whale Watching in Mirissa

AVAILABILITY: From December to March

Best Safari Duration - Between 06:00 am to 12:00 pm

The waters off the southern coast of Sri Lanka are considered to be one of the best places in the world to spot Blue Whales, Sperm Whales and Spinner Dolphins. Coastal towns such as Galle, Mirissa and Kirinda are perfect points to head to if you hope to spot these amazing aquatic animals.

Sri Lanka is located within the International Whaling Commission's protected zone in the Indian Ocean and is frequently visited by 26 of the 80 cetaceans species in the world. If you are interested in spotting whales and dolphins then Sri Lanka should be on your bucket list.

Eco Team is a well established company that conducts deep sea excursions off the coast of Mirissa. Our boats are fitted with all the necessary safety devices including compass, GPS, nautical charts and UHF radio. We have wheelchairs and dedicated assistants for the those that require it. We run our Sri Lanka whale watching excursions as per the guidelines given by the International Whaling Commission.

Our crew is Sri Lanka’s most experienced team in conducting Whale and Dolphin tours. Depending on your requirements you can schedule different types of Whale and Dolphin watching activities. The seas can get a bit rough during the monsoons so most deep sea excursions will happen only from December to April, when the sea is calm and the waves are friendly.


  • Beach wear (water splash is unavoidable)
  • Sunglasses & a hat
  • Sun protection lotions & Lip balm
  • Good camera, spare batteries, extra memory cards