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This Is the Best Safari Destination Outside of Africa - Forbes (2019)

Flood Plains National Park

The Flood Plains National Park located in the Polonnaruwa District is an extremely significant eco system that benefits a large composition of biodiversity as well as provides connectivity and nourishment to the surrounding habitats. It brings integrity to the Mahweli system and protected areas surrounding it and acts as a corridor between Somawathiya National Park and Wasgamuwa National Park. The extensive number of villus situated in the park that are inundated for long periods contribute towards an exceptionally high level of primary productivity. The floral community of the park consist of water tolerant grasses, aqua plants and creepers. The saturated soils in the villus prevent tree growth which is characteristic of eco systems dominated by marsh habtiats. A significant number of grazing animals and birds are attracted to the park due to its availability of water and grass. In addition, the park also provides refuge to reptiles and around 75 migratory birds.